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Make move-in day easier with these top tips

Posted 30/11/2023 by Reeds Rains
Categories: Buying
Couple being handed new home keys

Making the decision to move into a new home is always an exciting step in your property ownership journey. We understand that amongst the excitement will be some nerves. It’s natural to find some aspects of the big move stressful and we understand that.

We’ve pulled together some handy tips and tricks to help make your move as smooth a process as possible. Whether you’re still looking at property listings or you’ve got move-in day already set, as well as some tips for if you’re selling your existing property, there’s something for anyone seeking a fresh start into 2024.

Pick a ready to move-in property

For those just starting their home-moving process, we understand that it might seem daunting. If that’s how you feel you should consider a property that’s move-in ready to streamline the process.

New Build Homes provide just that, while presenting a blank canvas for you to put your stamp on, without the need for expensive renovations. New build properties reduce delays and save you money at the same time.

With being a new build, there’s no seller you need to wait on moving out first. You’ll find the move-in process to be completed nearly a month sooner compared to buying second-hand.

Get your existing home ready to sell

If you’ll need to sell your existing property as part of your move, you’ll want to stage your property to look the best it can. Data suggests that staged properties can sell up to 3 times faster.

That’s because properties that look smart and inviting are more attractive to potential buyers. So get a head start and start decluttering now. Think about how you’ll stage each room of the property.

Consider what furniture or fixtures you could add or remove to really bring the best out of your property. You could even use the opportunity to organise your belongings in time for packing later on.

Making the selling process easier

A growing number of New Homes developers are offering Assisted Move and Part Exchange options to alleviate some of the challenges you may face when selling your current property.

Part Exchange means you forego the entire sales process altogether, selling your existing property straight to the developer. The developer then searches for a new buyer.

The exchange is a reduction of the price of your new home by the value of your old one. It’s not unlike part exchanging a car. Part exchange eliminates the delays that you could endure while searching for a buyer for your previous property.

The amount of new build developers offering part exchange has been on the rise, with an increase of 10% from 2021 to 2022*, meaning there’s a good chance that this option could be available with your chosen new build home development.

Assisted Move means you’ll be more involved in the selling of your current or former property. By signing up, you’ll get access to the expert team that the developer uses to sell second-hand properties themselves.

Top reasons people choose estate agents, Property Academy Home Moving Trends Survey 2022:

  1. Agent’s professionalism
  2. Agent demonstrates knowledge
  3. Confidence in agents’ ability

Having confidence in an agent’s ability to market and sell properties is one of the key reasons vendors choose agents themselves. Therefore you can have confidence that the developer's approval of an agent means they’ve got the skills needed to get your previous property sold.

You’ll still need to wait to find the right buyer for your property, but with a property agent it’s ensured you’ll sell your property quicker and get into your new home swiftly.

Move-in day

Once you’ve found your dream new home and the sale of your former property complete, you’re ready for the big move. It’ll take some planning, so it’s best to get a head start.

You should start packing as soon as possible. Pack away items you know you won’t be needing soon, such as winter wear in summer months and vice versa. Get as much packed as you can in advance to take pressure off in the week up to the big day.

It’s good to pack all the items you know you’ll want to use soon after moving in, such as a kettle and tea bags, in once box as a ‘move in’ package once the heavy lifting is all out of the way.


The moving process isn’t just about changing your address, it’s about changing your life for the better. It’s best to be organised and prepared so that you can properly celebrate once you’re all settled in.

Don’t let the joy of a new home be dampened by stress. Take your time to carefully plan your move so that you can enjoy it for the exciting adventure it is. Here’s to the next chapter in your homeownership journey.

Is a new home on your ‘to-do list’ for 2024? Take a look at the wide range of new build properties waiting to be sold today.

Search for a new build home

*Data collected by The PX Hub, October 2022 - October 2023


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